
iron hearts all turn to rust


02-03-2014, 05:45 PM

She was never alone long around these wolves, the cobalt male always somewhere nearby in the shadows it seemed. She appreciated it. She had spent too much time slithering and slinking through the shadows that she greatly appreciated knowing that she had friends and allies close by. It was a strange thing, knowing that she had wolves around her that she could count on, wolves that she would do anything for in return. It was such a strange feeling, to be wanted and needed and to want and need them in return. She had never experienced such feelings with anyone beyond her family. But wasn't that what she considered them now? Weren't they family? Vi had spent her whole upbringing learning that nothing was stronger then blood, that she should protect her family with her life. And though she despised some of her family, like really hated them to the point where she wished she could destroy their pathetic little lives... But despite those strong feelings towards them she would still protect them. Though the ones she hated seemed to have not found their way to these lands thankfully. She wasn't faced with those moral choices and decisions anymore. No instead she had found wolves she wanted to be around, ones she was making the choice to be loyal to.

His voice slipped through the vegetation and immediately large ears turned to catch the fleeting sound. He spoke louder then he used to but then again without the use of his sight how was he to know her exact location in regards to his? She paid it no mind as long limbs turned her petite form to his direction and she pushed her way through the last bit of underbrush that separated them. His den was large and not well hidden at all. But then again what was there to hide from? He was among friends here and had nothing to fear. She couldn't help the smile that spread across her lips as she stood there and watched him for a short moment. He had never looked more like a king then he did right there, settled in the mouth of his den with the bloody colors of the sunset harshening the shadows around him. But the sight of him also brought up a longing to see her sister. To see the scarred giantess of a woman who had sauntered into her life and then disappeared just as easily. Taurig wasn't as scarred as she was but the blind eyes were what brought back the most memories.

She didn't paused long, stepping neatly towards him and then lowering herself to her haunches in front of his den then allowing her forepaws to slid forward so they almost touched his and she lay easily before him. "Been a while..." She chuckled softly before leaning a bit to the side, peering around him easily and taking note that he was alone here. "Family out on an adventure I see? Well no matter, I think we have some things to chat about until they get back. If you wouldn't mind possibly telling the story of what happened to you and why Tortuga ended up on an island?" She wanted to know, she had a lot of questions actually but from the way he had spoken of his darling father earlier she didn't want to push him if he didn't feel up to talking about it. Scars of the body heal but not always the mind. She wouldn't push or prod or pester him, instead she simply lay there, allowing her hips to flop to one side in a more relaxed and comfortable manor. If he deiced to chat about it she would listen and if he decided to change the subject she wouldn't complain either.

Table by Azil