
The Will of the Gods [Theology Lesson]



10 Years
02-03-2014, 07:02 PM

Novel and Elohim had been quite occupied with memorizing the plants that grew around their home, now that they had even more room to explore it had taken them some time to categorize the plant life beyond the lover's mangrove. She knew that Bhaire would be proud of her to take such initiative, but when she heard his howl calling for a lesson she had to attend. She knew her mother expected her children to attend lessons with the apprentices, she just didn't have to participate in actually helping the pack. She didn't feel like she was a good enough hunter or fighter to help with any of that. She was certainly getting better at healing, she'd even been able to help Aurora give birth!
She often visited Bhaire's humble home begging lessons from him. She was glad to call herself his apprentice, he always knew how to explain himself well for her and it was not often she didn't understand. She felt like she was learning much from the man. Now, she would attend a group lesson with him and she was excited.
Elohim would leap upon her arrow marked back as she gave him an eager glance, both of them knowing they wanted to attend, with gusto the small she would would leap off to find Bhaire. Her blue eyes would scan the surrounding areas to be sure they had not moved. Faithfully, two figures would stand outside the teacher's home. Her aunt Novella and her mentor. With a squeal of delight the small child would bump into Novella's leg affectionately. She had to say that the girl had become her favorite aunt, partially because she never saw Symphony and partially because their names were so similar. "Hi Aunt Novella! Hello Bhaire." her voice was eager as she took a seat next to her kin. She was quite ready for their lesson.

"Speech" Think "Elohim"

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