
The wind whispered


02-03-2014, 07:13 PM

On and on... ever on and on. She didn't know where, nor when, she would stop;n she only knew she must continue on. There were times Gwyndolyn had to ask herself: why? Why was she journeying? Why did she leave in the first place? Why did she come here, a land she had never been to before? She could have made her point anywhere, and in a different way, but... here she was. No going back.

Travelling eastward with the steady pace of a young woman whose life of late had been nothing but travel, Gwyndolyn allowed herself only a momentary pause to consider her surroundings. They hadn't changed as of late, but something else had: the smell of the air, and something else drifting to her on the lightest breeze: a scent. Fresh, wolf, but unfamiliar. Gwyn's easy pace slowed, and finally ceased as she lifted her nose into the breeze.

It didn't take much for the young lady to pinpoint a direction. Altering her course and letting her own curiosity lead her, Gwyndolyn set off once again, her gait slower now, cautious. Not silent - she had no intentions of sneaking around right now, but still wary. It wasn't but a few minutes later Gwyndolyn glimpsed movement. There! A bit of white that didn't belong. Someone new. Gwyn stopped, nose lowering briefly to the ground, though her eyes remained firmly on the other being, watching closely. She considered for a moment that she might call out, but a small part of her hesitated... the latter bit only served to cause her some frustration however, and she physically shook the feeling away before a clipped bark squeezed its way from her throat. That would draw attention. She would investigate, then decide whether to press on her add another acquaintance to her slowly growing list...

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.