


02-03-2014, 07:56 PM

She might have been told to stay behind, stay out of trouble or at least meet her brother and sister at a certain meeting place by dark; but the petite pale silver girl had no intentions of doing so. She had sat there and watched Twig and Pulpus walk off to find more family. She had told herself to wait then track them down, and she had. She was glade she naturally was silent on her paws and tiny to easily hide. She had gone off to find a small meal before she would follow their trail. It was slow going but she didn't mind. Isolation allowed her to let loose he tight lid she held on her emotions. Thoughts raced through her head. She wasn't sure about this new found brother. Sure he born the true mark of their family, but was he the killer? The one everyone hated and Twig had just forgotten? She didn't want to be left alone either, honestly it scared her. She didn't want to chance losing her sister again, she didn't want to have those nightmares again. She wanted to feel safe, sheltered and never alone.

A howl broke into the voice and had the young girl pause. Head lifted to look ahead, still a good distance away but knew her siblings trail led in the direction of the call. A shiver ran down her back, that wasn't either one of them. Twin ice blues widened with fear she her body lurched forwards in a dead sprint. Her slender legs were a blur, heart hammered in her chest, threatening to burst through, lung hurts with the lack of oxygen being pumped into them. She crashed to a stop, gasping as a panic attack stole over her. She tried to fight it, legs thrashing till she couldn't no longer. She cried out with fear, feeling helpless and blinded by the attack. It was a long while before she could stumble to her paws and drag herself on. It hadn't been the first panic attack she had ever had, just another number added to the long list.

Finally she stumbled and weaved onto the battlegrounds, body still shaking. The view of many wolves reached her sights and she paused. She was confused at what she saw. She sat down, trying to reclose that lid on her emotions. It was easily done except the obvious distress she had just gone under. She didn't know if her brother and sister were here anymore, or even aware two more sibling were there at that. She could only grasp at the only thought that so many wolves were here. Her sensitive body started to pick up on the emotions from the large group, making her ears lay flat. Anger, rage, frustration, maybe fear. It was too much for her, she couldn't bring herself closer, nor did she want to. She didn't need to cause another panic attack on herself.

I can talk!