
That's right, I said more babies



2 Years
06-11-2013, 10:23 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2013, 11:38 AM by Calder.)

Name: Danae
Gender: Female

solid white with one red and one yellow eye
adult height: 32" (medium)


Persona: As a pup Danae is nothing more than a gurgling ball of fluffy love. She's sweet and gentle but playful at the same time as she runs through the Tortuga territory with what seems to be an endless energy supply. She's soft and caring but rough and ready to fight when it comes to her siblings, and nothing short of an angel when it comes to her parents. She grows up adoring and idolizing her mother and honoring and respecting her father. She ages wishing to one day be just as big as her mom and dad (maybe even bigger!) and dreams of making them proud, of leading their pack through many victories and earning the trust of her pack members. She grows up to be a strong, independent she-wolf.

As an older wolf, no longer a pup, Danae looses her soft, giggly demeanor and trades it in for a more relaxed, quieter persona. She becomes less talkative and less bouncy, but is still the smiley, lovable girl that she's always been. When she's ready she'll laugh and joke with you but she always knows when to put away the fun and to sit back and be serious. She knows how to be proper and minds her manners, she speaks full, proper sentences and addresses her higher ups as such. The young girl is always stays sure and confident around others, especially her parents who she tries her hardest to impress even though she never grew to be as big as them.

However, behind that whole perfect facade lies a power-thirsty she-wolf that craves the respect that her mother and father have earned for themselves. She wishes to lead and to be strong. She wishes to be feared but loved by all around her and stops at nothing to draw people in with her lies and then suck them dry without them ever suspecting a thing.

Alliance: Lawful Neutral

RP Sample: Cheerful yelps of joy rang out into the air as Danae made her rounds. Just as cheerful and energetic as she always was Danae romped around the den that she and her siblings had been confined in by their mother. Just by looking into the she-pup's mismatched eyes you could see that she longed to venture out of her homey prison and explore, she longed to meet more than just those that stopped by the den to visit her and her siblings, she longed to fight alongside her mother and father in a battle so grand, a battle so large and interesting that everyone would join in.

But for now she remained locked up here, tumbling and rolling around with her siblings and waiting for her mother or father to peek in and check on them. It was a rather boring life she lived, but she knew everyone was just trying to keep the pack's pups safe. But what could possibly happen to her if she just stepped out of the den for a few minutes. One of her siblings could possibly tattle on her, or another wolf may tell her parents and get her in trouble, but still, it would be worth it.

Carefully the she-pup crept towards the den entrance, her dual-colored eyes narrowed as she crouched close to the ground in compliance with her basic instinct's instructions. She was quiet and alert, cautiously moving so she wouldn't disturb her siblings playing in the background. Hopefully none of them would snitch.

As she neared the entrance, Danae never took her eyes off of light seeping into the den. She yearned to bask in that light once she escaped. On her right the she-pup heard a soft shuffling and glanced over to investigate the noise. Perched square on the wall was a fat, green lizard, its long red tongue moving in and out as it swallowed a dark brown moth.

Terrified shrieks left the maw of the she-pup as she jumped back from the sight of the reptile. The very sound of Danae's screams sent the lizard running and a gathering of older wolfs to cluster around the den. Soon her mother, or father would be there and she'd never get to go out on an adventure. Behind her snickered her siblings and she let her ears fall back on her head in embarrassment. So much for an escape.