


03-22-2013, 01:55 AM
Luana's tan form dipped into the cool, clean water, sinking beneath the surface seemingly without care. The dame had discovered a secret love for the water and she indulged in it quite often. She had been yet to be scolded for it and so she continued. Onyx eyes blinked up at the surface of the water. Her fur, soft and well taken care of, floating around her. She was near full grown, having almost completely grown into her paws. She sti'l missed her mother but had given up all hope of ever seeing the woman again.

Her spine touched the bottom of the river and she relaxed. Muscles loosing their tension. She supposed it didn't matter, Cetotorah was her family now. He had found her, turned a pack of strangers into a home. She knew she would fight beside him until her dying breath left her, where Ceto was, she would be. It was fact, like the breathing of air or the need to eat or drink. Cetotorah was simply another piece of her and one that she could not live without.

She turned, paws pressing into the sands and pushing off and up, carrying her body to the surface of the rippling pool. The dame trudged from the river, shaking her pelt clear and stalking forward. The strong scent of blood reached her nose and muffled voices. Her ears careened forward and her eyes snapped to attention. Marvel and Jupiter, she could hear them speaking animatedly back and forth but couldn't decipher the words.

She bolted forward, long legs carrying her body with the beginnings of grace and fluidity. She was beaten by Aria and she could scent Ceto on the winds, he was near but not approaching. She stopped a few feet short of Jupiter and the medic, uneasily coming to a halt, she was no healer, but if they needed her aide she would be here.

"Can I help?" Her voice was soft, gentle, she did not wish to make a noisy appearance, if they needed her they would ask. She would be ready, awaiting a command.