
Memories and Places



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-03-2014, 10:15 PM

Erani was nearly to the border when a scent wafted over her muzzle. Several scents, really. She snorted, blowing the rank smell of living decay from her nose, head turning to gaze toward the direction the scent came from. Four males. All strangers. One was very unhealthy by scent. There was urine on the scents that didn?t match that of the sick male. She turned and headed back for her den. Sick wolves needed help, as the howl that came from behind her told clearly.

She padded through the ravine and up the three natural steps of stone, and stopped at her dwindling herb supply. Thinking over the scents, she picked out what was needed, gathering them neatly in her jaws before turning and heading out again. She traversed the old territory with graceful ease, arriving on the scene, eyes assessing the four wolves. One white, with black markings, who was in possession of a bat, a brown male, and two black males, one of which lay on the ground with infected wounds. Fever.

Through the wolves natural language of the body, she made it clear to the males that they were to follow her with the injured male, turning with a wave of her tail. She would lead them to the river, where she set her plants down and looked first at the brown male. ?Wash yourself.? Her eyes turned to the black male who was in dire need of mending. Quietly, she set the plants that he would need to eat close to his nose, the aromatic smell hopefully inducing an interest, and once he ate them, she would begin to work on the injuries. ?Some of this may hurt, but the pain will be worth it.?

The snowy Theta radiated serenity and relaxation. Calm. Reserved. Gentle. ?I am Erani, Lead Healer of Valhalla.? The introduction was given as she pressed her paws on either side of the shoulder wound, working to squeeze the pus out. She went until the liquid oozing from the injury was fully blood, then turned and dipped her muzzle in the water, holding the liquid in her mouth. She let the water run free as soon as her jaws were above the male?s shoulder, the water pouring over the wound, cleansing debris from it. After a few repetitions of this ministration, she applied her tongue to the wound, cleaning it further. Any retaliation from the injured male was met with a long, patient stare.