
Roses, Roses, that's all your offering me


02-03-2014, 11:16 PM

That was completely unacceptable. Valhallan's did not behave in such a manner, especially not in front of the enemy! He was sure that the oddly colored woman was much older than him and yet she had gone off on a rant like a temper tantrum throwing pup! It was utterly embarrassing and humiliating. And it was because of that, that it had to be dealt with now. He had wanted to leave his aunt to fight without him there, but several Valhallan's had made their appearance in support of his aunt and so the Heir felt comfortable leaving his Alpha in the hands of the rest of his packmates. He would make the trek back to the island in quiet irritation. This was the first time that he was using his position of power to discipline another members and as stranger as it felt, he felt comfortable taking on such a responsibility.

His swim to the island would be quick, though the water would still be a bit nippy since spring hadn't completely set in, but Gael didn't mind it too much. He would emerge onto the shore, shaking as much water off himself as he could before proceeding forwards, nostrils picking up Vahva's scent. He would weave through the vegetation, silver features serious as traced her scent to an overgrown tree. She sat quietly before it, her demeanor suggesting that she was aware that her actions hadn't been in the right. Gamma. He would call to her, stopping at a distance, emotionless ceruleans on her figure, waiting to see if there was anything that she had to say for herself regarding her behavior on the battlefield. Silver plume would curl high over his hips, posture dominant yet relaxed, not wanting to seem threatening to the woman, even if he was younger than her.

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