
Seaking the Heat


02-03-2014, 11:46 PM
Another joined her, one that smelled of other wolves and a bit of the land. No doubt this one was a member of the pack. The wolf was of average size which next to her could be called large. As the wolf got closer she sat calmly and waited. Her eyes went over the snowy male as he gazed at her, seeing her injury. Such a thing could make different wolves react differently and she counted herself lucky this one was kind. So, the male's name was Haku and the pack's name was Ludiceal, a pack who seemed friendly to guests.

"Greetings Haku, I am Isabella VentFlurer. When I came here I didn't know the water was now owned by a pack. Last time I was here it was free land. I don't truly know if I need help but I was hoping the warm water would sooth my wound." Her voice was cold yet not hostile though it intentionally held no sign of her pain. Isabella turned just a bit so he could see it better. His eyes had already fallen on it but she wanted her intentions perfectly clear. The turn wasn't one that would leave her weakened side opened for attack though.

Turing back she looked to the male. "I thought of using the waters already yet that would just be rude. I don't know much in the way of herbs so I figured the water was the best way to help myself. If I have your permission to use the water that is." With that she stood, either to be able to get to the water or to be turned away though she hoped she could stay. As she stood she changed her stance a bit and lowered her tail to be even with her body, after all she was a guest in these lands and wanted to make no challenge.