
try and catch me


02-04-2014, 01:06 AM

He was seething, rising to meet the occasion as head lowered and hackles raised to make his massive form seem even larger. She wanted him and the huskiness of his voice sent chills down her spine, making her want to press herself closer to him. "Baby am I ever not entertaining?"She would purr in retort, stretching elegant neck forward so teeth could do to work on the rim of his ear. His next words brought a chuckle up her throat and she let her hot breath brush against his ear and cascade down his cheek. She was almost shivering with anticipation now. Rougher? She wanted something rougher, she wanted to make her pain a physical thing. And then he was pressed against her, jaws clamping against her neck as she tipped her head back and allowed a low moan to escape from her throat. "I wouldn't be fun if there wasn't any blood. Make. Me. Bleed." There was almost a dare in her voice as she arched her neck and tugged so his jaws would drag bloody gouges along her scruff. She was thickly furred there, there would be no scares thankfully. She wanted to bleed but she didn't want to be maimed or scarred.

Tail would sway behind her, spreading the scent of her heat quicker but also brushing against his chest and stomach tantalizingly. She wanted him, all of him and she wanted him now. She didn't care what he did to her, didn't care how rough he got. She hurt, everything hurt and she needed something to make that pain go away. Sex was the only way she knew how to make herself numb.

Table by Azil