
cola with the burnt-out taste



5 Years
02-04-2014, 02:27 AM
post contains mature language, also forgot to add into actual post but he hasn't noticed nott yet

faint traces of what sounded like steps tickled and nudged at the man's apathetic ears. let them come, he was not about to move and he sure as hell wasn't about to try to defend himself with the lack of a leg. the image of himself stumbling and tripping brought a deep chortle from his lips. damn that'd be a sight to see. half-lidded pools of mercury and cobalt leisurely found graces upon the handsome features of a man whom seemingly suddenly appeared - jaeger already forgetting about the footsteps. a dumbly plastered smile slipped smoothly upon his lips as the man before him stated never before seeing someone so content as he. easily the word would spill delightfully from his tongue between a slow chuckle, fuuuck.

but slowly a weight would press down on him. the recognition of a lost name. a glorious name. a godly name. his smile would fall short, creeping into that of demise. his ill-matched pools would open, at first with the pace of a snail before snapping quickly. fuck! he would flip his body, struggling at first as he wasn't exactly used to an amputated and therefore useless leg causing difficulty. his svelte hips would rise, leaving his chest resting upon the warming grass and his now unproportioned forelegs splayed awkwardly. somehow, either with the stealth of a very skilled woman or with the grace of a goddess, a woman now stood next to baldur. baldur. before him stood fucking baldur! the damn bleeding god. the god of justice! immediately he knew he was to be slain, his sins and misdeeds had caught up with him. all those bitches he fucked, as well as his mother, his unnatural relationship with kaprasius, the murder of his brother and sister. he was to die today.

but the woman would speak, and the sinful man would grow skeptical. he knew, for fact, baldr did not possess a sister. his face would twist into confusion, who were these people if not the gods? it was perhaps possible that frigg had conceived in asgard. and if so, with now not only one god but now two before him, there was only one possibility. ragnarok. he would not be the only one to face death today after all. they all would, endlessly. and with that knowledge, a fear would ignite within his chest - clearly portrayed on his split-colored features.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself