
No longer me! I am Someone elce.


03-22-2013, 05:44 AM

The rain had soaked her pelt, her fur hanged down on her, heavy with the burden of being abandoned.Tikaani's head hung low as her bright green eyes glared off into the never ending storm. Her ears pinned to her head as the sound of a guest, to her party approached her. Her eyes looked over to the side at the female. The only thing that moved on her were her eyes and her ears, even though she did not turn her head she was watching the fea. Her gaze was focused on the fea and Tikaani wanted to have some fun with her.Just some toying around, some cat an mouse games.

Tikaani turned around, her eyes narrowed, ears pinned, and gaze locked on the fea. She walked closer to the other, her paws gently hit the ground, mud under her paws splattered up in the air with every step. Her head was low and she only bared part of her teeth. She was ready for this game, and She knew it will be so much fun."Oh.., it seems a little fly, had gotten caught in my web." She spoke in a aery voice. Tikaani knew that this fea was only a year older than her, but she see's everyone as her prey.

A Chuckle bubbled up out of her throat, It was great joy to see fear in her prey. Her eyes looked at the fea, and her lips curled up in to a grimes smile."See, you had just got caught in my web. I am the grim reaper, and your my next target." She let out a bellow of laughter. The rain was poring down even harder now. Lightning struck a merely few inches from them, but it did not faze Tikaani not one bit. Her right eye was a grey color, indicating no life in it at all. The newly fresh scare was still bleeding from when she got struck with lighting. Droplets of blood ran down her maw, she took her tongue and licked the blood off of her pelt."MMM" She said as her gaze got more tense on the fea. "I wonder what your blood tastes like?! She said with a chuckle.

This was a great deal of fun, the daemon that dwells with in her was ecstatic."Humm may be i should try some. She said as she lunged at the fea, her teeth snapped a few inches from the fea's mouth. Tikaani laughed some more. This was so much fun, and it just filled her with pure joy. She licked the maw of the fea, as she pulled back you could hear a slight mmmmm escape her maw. "Well that surly dose taste wonderful." She chuckled. A mouse and cat game it was indeed.