



6 Years
02-04-2014, 04:10 AM

He attempted to press on swiftly, occasionally encouraging Myth to keep up, perhaps it was better described that he was telling her to, the storm certainly not bringing out any warmth from the serious male. There was concern, but his cold personality certainly didn't do well to show that fact, not a single "Don't worry" or "It'll be ok" fell from his lips, he of course didn't know if such things would be true, nor was he aware of the fact that such words could be comforting in stressful situations and his cousin clearly wasn't particularly calm. Compassion most definitely was not his forte.

Iorwerth's intentions had simply been to get Myth to safety and then deal with any further searches, his shoulder still hurt a little though the man wasn't about to let that stop him. The thing that did however was the sound of someone else shouting. Faint over the howling winds, he paused ears pricking up and twisting as he attempted to locate a possible direction. The words were lost, but the little voice certainly seemed scared. Apparently there was someone else that could do with some help. "Wait here or keep up." He gave Myth the option, though didn't wait for her response, quickly moving off at a faster pace to try and find the screaming wolf.

The cries were getting louder, he was heading in the right direction though there wasn't any sight of what he now believed to be a pup. "Where are you?" He barked, his ears and eyes alert looking for the child and any other potential dangers. The fallen tree looked as though it had been living a healthy life until recently and Iorwerth didn't feel like being squashed by another that had chosen to follow its lead. Moving around still, eventually he spied the dip on the other side of the tree and realised the sounds seemed to be emerging from that area. Stepping closer, sure enough he caught sight of the sobbing pup stuck within the hole.

His first idea would have been to jump into the hole as well and push the pup out, Iorwerth himself was large enough that he would have been able to escape the dip easily, though too big that he wouldn't fit in without possibly hurting the child. Stepping forwards so his paws were at the edge, he lowered his head down into the hole, attempting to grab hold of Daedalus' scruff to drag him out.