
Gods & Swans



10 Years
02-04-2014, 04:41 AM

Odette couldn't help but giggle softly at Baldur's attempt to smooth down his fur. To her, it was a funny way for someone to make himself look more manly, only to end up resembling a large wolf pup. She didn't judge, but instead took it as a sign that he wasn't perfect and someone who was too proud in their looks was something she didn't care for. Maybe it was because she wasn't too worried about her own looks, but it was still something she believed in. As Baldur shrugged it off and carried on with the conversation, Odette felt a warm flush creep across her tan cheeks. It was nice to meet a stranger who wasn't self-conceited.
"I am sure it will do better once you reach a less humid atmosphere. My fur does the same thing, but when I reach the climates with snow and acts natural." She gave a smile that lit up her features and an ear flicked backward at his long name. "That is certainly a handful, but I think I will be all right with just calling you Baldur...I hope you find that suited to your liking." An eyebrow rose in response and her wet tail flicked behind her for emphasis.
When he explained that he was exploring the continent, Odette was intrigued. When he called her a vision, well, she was caught off guard. Her eyes blinked a couple of times in response, but she didn't voice her surprise. Instead, her smile widened and she lowered her upper torso to the warm grass. Legs stretched out in front of her as she answered his question. "I, too, have been exploring. I have restless paws, Mr. Baldur, and I cannot stay in one place for too long." She flexed out her tail as a patch of sunlight slipped through the green leaves above her. As it began to warm up, she continued. "My soul is restless as well, but I always find my way home...I could never leave it completely. Not without a fight, anyway." The yearling looked up at Baldur with twinkling eyes of curiosity. "Do you have a home where your heart lies? Most rogues I have met did, but they were never content."

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