
Life is good, value it.

Magnus 1


02-04-2014, 07:07 AM

Meeting you was fate - becoming your friend was a choice

but falling in love with you was beyond my control.

Magnus had been walking through the mangrove in search of his wife, Aurora. He had to talk to her. There were some matters that he needed to discuss with her. Paws kissed the earth, lithely dodging the tree roots scattered across the terra. Bright blue orbs surveyed the area. He couldn't see her. Just then a little high yelp met his audits. He glanced to the source of the sound, just as he caught sight of her she collapsed. He rushed over. She was a tiny little thing. A silvery fur, bright blue eyes, just like his. She looked familiar. Just then he realised who it was. His heart leapt into his throat. Adrenalin pumping through his veins. He knew who this was. Tesea. His little sister. He hadn't seen her since she was a very very young pup, but there was no doubt in who it was. Panic began to set in. Was she dead? He leaned down and nudged her with his nose, she moved a little, a sqeaul came from her lips. He sighed in relief. She looked quite light, but she needed food, badly. Hey there Tessa, it's gonna be alright, i just have to get you some food. Hang in there. the last dew words came out in a whisper. He took off in the other direction, heading for there old den. There was some left over fawn, at least he hoped there was. He reached the den a few minutes later. He breathed a sigh of relief, again and grabbed the few scraps of meat from the fawn in his jaws and ran back to her. He threw the meat down in front of her. C'mon little sister, you need to eat he said gently. He sat down beside her, waiting foe her to eat.

"Talk" Think "You"