
The wind whispered


02-04-2014, 09:33 AM

The desired effect was accomplished only a moment later as the other wolf turned. Gwyn tried not to be too surprised by seeing another girl out here - a girl who could not be older than herself. Once she had ascertained the stranger would not be aggressive (a friendly enough greeting and rather more neutral stance confirmed this), Gwyndolyn began to pad a little closer. She stopped a few lengths away, her green eyes lifting to meet the other girl's eyes. Again, Gwyndolyn found herself startled, though it may have shown only in the quick blink of her own eyes. The other girl had two different eyes! Not something one saw everyday... certainly not something one would forget easily.

"Good day. I'm Gwyndolyn," she offered with a quick bob of her head, a small smile appearing on her dark lips and remaining there. She tried not to stare too hard at the other girl, but... well, those eyes couldn't be a trick of the light, could they? One as golden as the sun and the other bluer than the sea... no, no mistaking those colors. They were very different in hue. "I don't mean to bother you too much, but might you be able to tell me where I am?" She remained polite, even if she was not necessarily jovial. Her words were not entirely a lie either - she had fully intended to "bother" this other wolf, as she put it, but more for curiosity's sake than anything. A name for the places she wandered in wouldn't be too bad either however... she was far from home and the names and words she'd once used seemed useless here. So she needed new ones: new words and new names.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.