
came out swinging



7 Years
02-04-2014, 10:08 AM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2014, 10:11 AM by Epiphron.)

Time. It went by agonizingly slow at times, so slow he swore he would go crazy from all the waiting. What he was waiting for, he was not sure -- anything would suffice at this point.

When he was younger, he'd had dreams of being the King. Perhaps with a cute girl ruling by his side. But, so suddenly, his parents had been relieved of their titles, and rather than fighting the decision, they'd simply resigned to subordination. It was something Quintus Nero did not understand; nor did he care enough to press the issue. Instead, he would sulk on occasion, growing heated more often than usual. His mother had pestered him one time too much today, and so he would leave her side easily, heading away form familiarity and into the unknown. Of course, he would come back. He always did, and always would, but he needed time to himself now.

His heavy paws would carry him toward the shore. He'd seen the ocean before, but not like this. Here, the sand was jet black, not yellow or tan like he remembered it; had his memory simply betrayed him? It looked so sharp and dangerous that he wondered if the small granules might cut the pads of his paws. Gingerly he would set a single paw down on the stuff as he approached, hesitant to tread on it until he knew it was safe.

It felt remarkably like the sand he remembered, so he quickly deemed it safe. The beauty and awe of the scene wore off quickly though, and he waded through the water that ebbed against the shoreline, watching the waves push water in and out at an even rate. A sigh escaped the near-yearling's lips as he looked out across the horizon, wondering what lay across the waters.