
Shine a light and guide me back home



3 Years
02-04-2014, 11:11 AM

"I guess you aren't, then. My family. We are Armadas. Do you have a surname?" The answer that Lysis gave sort of explained things for Talvi, there were still a few questions that raced through her mind, the first she knew was perhaps a little rude. If the Armadas were Lysis' family, how come she didn't know them all? Talvi herself didn't know all of her family after all, it recently had been discovered that she had more siblings. Fortunately she had silenced herself with that thought and simply shook her head slightly in response to the question. "No, at least I don't think so." Whatever a surname was anyway, that Armada name she guessed. As far as she was aware, she was just Talvi.

The whole family concept was of course far more confusing than the girl was aware of. She could potentially be an Armada, the blood was there after all. Aunt and niece off on an exploration of the pack lands. Such extensions to the family were completely unknown to the girl though, even if she knew her entire parentage she wouldn't have been able to make the association that Lysis was her aunt. A possible friend would have to do then, not that Talvi had ever really had a friend before. "Come, let's explore," There certainly wasn't a reason to deny the offer, she had been exploring herself after all and maybe it wouldn't be so bad to venture with someone who knew things a little better than her. Lysis certainly seemed to know more, and she suspected she probably knew her way around the lands better too. "OK" She agreed simply.