
Memories and Places



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-04-2014, 01:02 PM

will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns?
They didn't listen to him when he told them to go away. Why would he even have halfway expected them to listen to him? A low rumble vibrated his chest, but the sound didn't even make it out before it faded again. What was the point anyway? He had never been capable of leading his family - this was just another symptom of the base problem. Hroovitnir had been right all along and he'd known it. He was no alpha. Bastards should be grateful he'd left them alone after he killed Hroovitnir but no, they all acted like he'd been the one oppressing them all those years. He saw the way they looked at him, the anger and the disgust. Hate, even. Like he'd been any better off, you know? Lame.

He jolted awake - had he fallen asleep? - when his brothers jostled him to his feet and half-dragged him down to the water. He could feel Loki's teeth in his scruff, but he couldn't really process why Loki would be biting him when he was already hurting. Prick. They dropped him at the edge of the river, a relief as far as he was concerned. His eyes were drooping again when a bunch of smelly plants were dropped practically on his nose. Gold eyes opened again warily, Hati regarded the older, dignified looking white female who'd appeared there like magic, then back to the plants. Was he supposed to eat them? With a shrug - purely mental, as he had no energy to shrug even if it wouldn't have been incredibly painful - he snatched up the herbs and swallowed them.

Seems he really was supposed to eat them, since the old woman didn't kick up a fuss over it. Instead she was saying something about the pain being worth it. But the pain was fading from whatever plants he'd just eaten, so what the hell was she -

Hati bit back a curse as the woman pressed on his shoulder, but that single reflexive sound was the only one he made. Pinning his ears back, he watched her with a stoic, narrow-eyed glare. He didn't bother glancing at his wound - he knew it was gross, and didn't need to be reminded of that - but glared at the white bitch instead until she'd finally stopped, and gone down to the river. Then he transferred his glare to his brothers, a glare that very clearly said "I hate you all for this."

Not that he had much time to actually summon the energy to say it out loud, since the healer had returned and was drooling water all over his shoulder. Repulsed, he growled and tried to pull away, but she just gave him this look that made him feel about two months old again, so he put up with it. Sullenly, but still put up with it, even when she went back to the river for more water to do it all over again. And again. And again.

And then she started licking it. The snarl bubbled up in his chest again, but again, that look forestalled any physical retaliation and, abashed, he let her get away with it. With licking him. It was fucking humiliating.

He very studiously avoided the eyes of all three of his brothers. "If any of you guys tell anyone about this, I will kill you." The softly growled words may have come out weakly, may have sounded like a joke, but the fire in his eyes as he glared straight ahead at the river was purely Hati. Hati didn't tell jokes.

OOC: Uuuuhhh, I had lots of melancholy Hati muse apparently.

the sins of our father, the sins of our young
Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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