
All That Glitters

Twig I


02-04-2014, 01:50 PM

She was glad it looked their meeting would not come down to violence, but that didn't mean she was ready to go off skipping in the meadow with this girl. She'd let her mouth display a smile but her eyes and ears would continue their careful watch on Gwyn and their surroundings. If she was surprised at the mark that Twig bore she certainly didn't show it, she would simple answer the question asked, "I'm a traveller. I'm going north, just... north," It seemed her shrug would work to bat off the topic. Ashley was ever the observant one, and she knew that this complete stranger would not possibly give her the complete truth. "I made it to this place, and well... would you happen to know anything about this place, Twig? I find it rather strange..." As the conversation shifted Twig had to say her information had run out.
She was searching for family members in this strange land, she had not a clue what any of the lands were called let alone their history. It was a lot of human things. Maybe Gwyn didn't even know what humans were! She wouldn't had she not been fed stories of them as a small babe. "They look like human filth. Left overs from the two leg's rampage." She didn't hold any love for them, and was quite glad they were gone forever. From what she had heard they were not very nice animals. They had certainly left their mark upon the world so much more plainly than any wolf could.
