
All That Glitters


02-04-2014, 02:30 PM

The answer Gwyn received only begged more questions. Human? Rampage? Suddenly she felt so very sheltered. She'd been on her own a while now and thought she was getting on well enough... but every now and then someone - something - would remind her of how much she didn't know yet. Her ears pricked, the only indication of her piqued interest for a moment. She remembered vaguely the word being mentioned. But she had no stories, no point of reference as to what "human" was. Calling the shining thing "filth" seemed a little harsh. Gwyn thought it was kind of pretty, even if it was useless... and thus Twig's words caused a twinge of shame in her breast and Gwyn disliked it. This of course, she kept to herself.

For the first time, she allowed some of her attention to leave the white woman before her, in favor of looking back at the very thing she had come back to investigate in the first place. "It doesn't really do anything, does it?" she asked rhetorically, glancing at Twig briefly for a response as she padded over to the silver thing. "It is a little pretty though - it has weird markings on it," - a momentary lowering of her head to nose the thing again, then back up - "But I suppose... why do you call it filth?" Curiosity got the better of Gwyn again, and she regarded the other wolf as she waited for an answer.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.