
Let's Meet...


02-05-2014, 09:58 AM
So Gwyndolyn needs some stuff to do - some general mayhem and chaos to make her life a little more interesting. Plus I'd like to meet some more players around here! (Hi, I'm Amritha... :P) So here's a quick run-down:

This young lady cut herself off from her birth; she's young and a little naive. She tends to be a little more quiet, although her curiosity can still lead to a surprising number of questions in spite of it. She doesn't really butt heads with others and if she is hurt or offended she tends to internalize it a lot - enough that most people won't know they've bothered her at first. She is actually on what she might call a heart-mission: she has no family name (that she chooses to reveal) and it looking for a new name to take. She believes she will find it or it will reveal itself to her in time. She believes she could find it anywhere, and it will redefine her being (that's what she thinks anyway. She's kinda wrong.)

Looking for:
- Friendship, or at least a travelling buddy (so another lone wolf would be nice)
- On that note, potentially a future love interest
- A mentor. Gwyn was young when she left her homepack, and while she understands survival basics, she could stand to learn from a pro.
- General chaos and characters that could butt heads with her. Everyone needs some enemies too. xD

I'm the sort of person her plots things OOCly then lets the RP do its business... so sometimes ICly things change. I let the characters run with themselves as it were. xD
Generally, she's not interested in joining any packs yet, but that could change if she really likes someone and they already have a pack. So throw 'em at me!