
Power Trip


04-10-2014, 01:13 PM

It pleased the Queen greatly to see her wolves arriving so quickly. First would be Kylar and she would issue the man a dazzling smile as he seated himself. Next would Narfi and Kaneyna. The girl seemed to have calmed down after accepting her rank as Comte, though she was incredibly unhappy by her loss. Uisge would arrive next, with Hati at his heels. Everyone had a respectful greeting except Hati. She would say nothing, merely giving him a cold glance, though he could be an ass, he was likeable in his own way. Meinx and Daegmar slippe in next and each would be given a nod of greeting. Coral gaze landed on Neios as he slide into the meeting. The boy would circle her before coming to sit at her left. And lastly would be Basilisk. A frigid gaze would be given to him, her hackles threatening to bristle. She was far from pleased with him even as he leaned into her side for a fleeting moment.

"I appreciate your promote arrival, I have some important information for all of you regarding your ranks and duties." Her gaze would scan each and every face before continuing. "Kylar, Narfi, as Duke and Duchess you will be able to accept members at the borders, along with promoting and punishing those deserving. When accepting members, each wolf will be subjected to a test of some sort, whether is be fighting, hunting or healing. If they pass, then they may join the ranks. If they fail, then it will be up to you whether they are turned away or claimed as slaves. You will also be working closely with myself and Basilisk. Kylar you will train Narfi, work with her until she's capable on her own."

Her gaze would next shift to Meinx. "Meinx, as Conseiller, you will closely with other members, usually myself, Basilisk, Kylar and Narfi, along our allies. You will make sure that our alliances stay strong, even organizing meetings between packs if you feel it is beneficial. You may also accept members if your help is needed." The Queen would move down the ranks, her attention shifting to her Commanders. "Neios, as Aggressuer, you will be called upon as needed. You will also select two more wolves to work with you. Daegmar and Hati, as Marquis, you will both be in charge of training the Ecuyer mainly, but everyone will learn to fight, I expect you both to stay on top of training. Kaneyna, as Comte, you will make sure the hunters are capable and that they train in fighting as well. Uisge as Baron, you will make the rest of the healers are capable in their duties and they train on fighting as well."

She would give everyone a moment to process everything she had said. "I expect to see you all active in your duties, or else you will be demoted. Zaria still remains Heir, and while she does not have the ability to accept members, she does have the ability to give orders, and punish others. Sora is Prince and duties maybe assigned to him by any of you as you see fit, he needs to find his place within the pack." She would talk only briefly about her children, wanting to make sure that the pack new their standings with them. "Do you have any questions or matters you wish to talk about? Once or twice a season we will meet to discuss any problems or members, if something is urgent you may always seek me out." Eyes would scan the crowd once again as the Queen sat waiting for them to voice their opinions.