
Seaking the Heat


02-04-2014, 06:48 PM (This post was last modified: 02-04-2014, 06:53 PM by Isabella.)
A school? Hunting, healing, defense? Isabella paused, not sure what to think as she was for a moment lost in old memories, aside from the theology. Weather this was fate telling her something or mocking her she did not know but for the moment she wasn't too fond of it. After all, that was the pack that had worked ]so hard to win her trust, a pack that had given her the rank 'Professor' of hunting. They took her in, befriend her, let her climb the ranks, gained her trust then threw it away. She knew this wasn't the same pack, but it might as well have been. Even so, she had no good reason to take her anger out on them, but that did make her a bit more wary.

Hiding her shock and sorrow in everything but a momentary dulling of her eyes she spoke. "I did not want to howl for fear the pack might not have been so welcoming and see an injured wolf as a good target." "Though it seems I am rather luckily that is not the case."[The thought ran though her and she did her best to keep it locked up. She wasn't even sure how to respond to the offer yet, the male could have been lying for all she knew but seemed honest for the moment and his body language looked rather relaxed.

"A fine law, and since I do not know much in the way of healing I shall take your word for it. good are the young healers exactly? I won't just be a test will I?" She wanted to make sure that if she was going to allow others to tend to her they knew what they were doing. She also wondered where the even would take place. "Will we need to go to a den then?" She was a bit nervous of the idea should it be some kind of trap but she already planed to stay outside of any kind of den she was brought to just to stay on the safe side.