
finnvi legend yo



4 Years
02-04-2014, 07:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-07-2014, 05:38 PM by Baldur.)
4 years
Cousin (child of Anvarr)

Slender, tall, lean and wiry, Au?ra's flesh seems to flow like water when she moves. Her features are angular, though not as sharp as her sisters, and her narrow muzzle tapers delicately from her head. Delicate russett-colored paws grace the ends of her well-toned ebony legs. Slim shoulders taper to wider hips and a long, flowing tail.

Brilliant sapphire blue eyes stand out strikingly from the snowy base of the femme's pelt. Au?ra's coat is soft, silken and thick and adds volumne to her wiry frame. Standing at 31" she is fairly average. Au?ra's eyes are sharp and piercing and seem almost if they are looking directly through whatever the femme is looking at. The upper half of her body is a ticked and patchy mix of silvers, greys and cool russett tones. Au?ra's muzzle and tail are tipped in black with the inky color staining her legs and marking a match on her lower chest between her front legs. Marks of russet trace the outside of her muzzle, ending at the corners of her eyes.

[Image: Auo3080ra_zpsca2b25e3.jpg]

Eerie and mysterious, Au?ra is a quiet femme that walks softly and rarely speaks. After being captured by a rival group of Norwegian-speaking mauraders as a pup, Au?ra grew up having to learning a language separate from that of her family. As such she is slow to speak and relys heaving on body language, hers and the others to communicate. She does know a little German now but old habits die hard.

Mistaking Au?ra's quiet nature for frailty is a fatal mistake. No meek lamb, this fae's placid nature comes across as threatening more than comforting, like a snake coiled to strike. She takes in the actions of those around her, observing, calculating and preparing her strikes. Not prone to acts of aggression it takes a lot to get Au?ra riled and even then her vengeance is usually plotted behind the dark veils of her mind. This doesn't mean Au?ra is a pushover when it comes to physical combat. She is deadly in her own right though her passions fall in the realms of poisons as well as the feminine arts of healing. Au?ra seeks to keep her family of warriors healthy and dangerous. The whetstone to their swords.

Au?ra feels a special and strong connection to her religion that only blossomed and grew in intensity during her captivity. While she has numerous questions her steps are unwavering in her faith. Au?ra has vivid and lucid dreams that she feels are visions sent to her by the gods and she holds this as indisputable proof of their existence and role in her family's life. Au?ra now travels with her sister on a noble mission in search of Jaegar in search of the justice that Laeric has commanded them to seek.


N?tt had whispered to her in her dreams, filling her head with visions of stormy seas and the cries of carrion birds. As always her dreams seemed to intensify just before dawn and as the tendrils of sunlight slipped across her eyes, Au?ra woke with a start. Blinking she rose gracefully to her feet, sapphire blue eyes peering down at the band of sunlight that retreated across the den floor as it was swallowed up by shadow. The femme could tell that it was still early morning but as she slipped languidly from her keep and into the forest she realized the reason for light's sudden retreat. Ullr was bringing snow. That noble son of Sif and lord of the hunt. She would need his blessing later this day when it was time for her to eat but for the moment she was called to travel, hoping to move swiftly through the whisper-fall of snow. She had another quarry that was at the forefront of her mind and that of much of her family. Another hunt? was this a sign that they were close?

Katja, her sister was not far ahead. The pair had been tracking the long-since faded trail of Jaegar, accused of crimes against the family and the gods themselves. They were able to trace his scent with confidence to Alacritis but from there it wound and wove it's way in a plethora of knotted trails. This task would not be easy. Au?ra caught up with her sister, offering a soft smile in greeting, her tail lightly wagging. She did not care to speak to often. She did not always fully understand her siblings and while she was learning there was still a barrier to overcome, a briar of words that still made her wary of how best to navigate them. But words were not always vital to a wolf, a creature who could communicate with form and movement. She fell a bit behind her sister, allowing the other to take the lead. While younger, Au?ra was confident in Katja's abilities. It was only a matter of time now. Jaegar's day of reckoning was at hand.