
Deep Inside [M]



03-22-2013, 11:46 AM
You?re no good for me

But baby I want you, I w a n t y o u

His compliment seemed so sickeningly sincere. Beautiful - did he really believe that she was such? It seemed improbable, or at least - it normally would, but his warm, gentle words struck her as truth. Sticky sweet, honey scented, they fell from his lips with ease and slid just as easily down her throat as she swallowed his compliment down. A smile blossomed on her lips, and she held back a nervous chuckle. Why was it so hot? He was so warm, his breath, his body, it all seemed to warm her down to her toes and make her heart beat faster. Imagine that - Gideon James thought that she was something special. He had no reason to lie, did he?

She glanced at him, tilting her head slightly as he tucked his head beneath hers. With fluid ease he could end her right then and there, snap his jaws around her throat and no one would ever know what happened to her near the entrance of these caves. Yet that never crossed her mind - not once - she felt safe with him, and regardless of her many thoughts regarding being herself, being true to her pack and family, becoming someone that both she and they could be proud of... he made it feel like everything would be okay. "It is, it really is." She whispered, not moving away from him, only responding to his touches by leaning into them more. "But now I believe it doesn't have to be. It depends on who you're with." She whispered, trying to mask that she had come to a small, somewhat delicate epiphany.

She laughed slightly, but this time it wasn't nerves that stemmed the gentle sound. He was thanking her - a yearling, a beta in training, when he was heir to a pack that Valhalla knew little about. He was a grown male, one that could have anyone he wanted and... she couldn't help but let the chiming laughter go - only for it to hitch in her throat as his tongue lapped at her neck.

His name nearly left her lips.

His breath was silk over her skin, his velvet words the only thing that her ears were aware of. Did she know how to be treated? Certainly - with respect and kindness and definitely not this. There was something wrong about this, very wrong. Wrong enough for her to keep it a secret from anyone who dared to ask where she had been. Her next words would be important, she was sure - and somewhere tightly knit within her stomach, flittering fast against her chest, trembling with excitement in her legs, she was afraid. Fear that she pushed away as she leaned closer to the other's lips, and she closed her eyes as she felt him against her ear.

No, she didn't know how to be treated.

"Show me." It came out as more of a question than she wanted, but she was warm and wanted to be closer to Gideon, melt further into him should he let her. Azure eyes met with blue, and she swore there was something of a spark as she did. Perhaps it was just her.

There was a chance that this was all her.

Yet the yearling didn't seem to care as she nestled further himto him, their fur tangled, skin touching. Simple feelings that seemed so much different than the gentle affection she graced her siblings with. Although she wasn't completely sure what it was, she knew that she wanted more. 'Show me...'