
i'm wasted wasting time


02-04-2014, 10:24 PM

ooc;; for red and purple to finally collide!!!

Vi had always been so sure that she had seen all there was to see in Alacrita but now with the floods and the hurricanes had all passed there seemed to be more lands to explore. This one in particular she had meant to explore for quite some time, it was beautiful, breath taking even. Dainty, frost bitten toes flexed and clenched at the sandy shores along the river, feeling the warmth of the grains beneath her pads. It was relaxing, soothing even and slowly the woman would lower herself to her haunches, rocking back so her hind legs came off the ground and she pushed off with her forepaws so she balanced for a short time on her butt before falling forward once more. A slow smile was curling over her lips as she waved her hind legs around and then turned lantern eyes out towards the grassy plains surrounding the river and it's sandy shores. There was prey everywhere. All seemed a bit on edge at her presence but at the same time they seemed to understand that her stomach was full and she was here simply to visit the lands rather then to hunt.

It was a peaceful day, the sun high in the sky and beating down a steady stream of heat. For a moment Vi allowed her eyes so slide closed as she took the time to enjoy the silence. How often would she be able to have moments like these once she had her children? It had only been a short while since she had begun to feel the life stirring within her but she knew now for sure, even before she stomach began to swell. She would be a mother soon? That thought was terrifying, she had been afraid of children for so long, hateful of the idea of having them herself and yet now here she was kind of at peace with the idea. But then again? Who couldn't be at peace on such a lovely day?

Table by Azil