
I'll Sing You One Last Song


02-05-2014, 12:09 AM

Destruction couldn't help but smile as she watched Bane eat. It felt good, helping him. The female would wag her tail a bit, chuckling as he spoke. She was so happy that Tahlia had managed to bring the brute happiness, just as he brought her happiness. The had two beautiful pups together, as well as Bane's other son, Nako, being cared for by the she-wolf. Des saw a lot of Bane in the young pup and she did truthfully worry about him a little. The thought of him doing something to get banished would occassionally come to mind and Destruction would quickly chase it away. None of those children would be banished. Between her and Tahlia they would keep an eye on them and help them stay out of trouble. She was attached to all of them... and she wouldn't let any more break ups in the family happen if she could help it. The female would break into fullblow laughter at his sarcastic whine. Honestly, he could be such a goof.

He would try and avoid her question it seemed, about the traps, and this worried the black furred female quite a bit. He surely relied on them to get most of his meals... and it wasn't like she or Tahlia could be here every day to help feed him. Eventually though he would direct her and the black and crimson woman would glance towards one of the traps. Ah... she thought the scent of blood was thick... she had been hoping it was just because of the bit of prey she had been carrying. The female would then look back to Bane with a small frown. "Yes... it certainly seems that you're in a bit of a pickle with them. If you'd like I can help burry them...and then when you need more I'll happily help you set them up. I'm sure once the scent of blood and death go away they'll return." The female would glance back to the trap and then to Bane. "I'll try and bring you more food when I can too."

The female would pause before continuing. "Seracia had a meeting recently. I'm sure Tahlia told you that Maverick is no longer in power. It proved... interesting..." A smile would come to her face. "I'm also going to be Nako's mentor." Her tail would wag at this. She was sure the boy would grow up strong in both body and mind.
