
The day is bright


02-05-2014, 12:20 AM

What a deep wound it had cut into the male when he discovered that Hajime had not returned to the island. It seemed as if there was no trace of his nephew anywhere, making the poor brute sick with worry. Losing Riv had cut deep into his soul, and because of that Allen couldn't help but wonder if, somewhere out in the lands, Hajime's body lay forgotten. Quickly the brute would try to shake the thoughts from his mind. No... he couldn't, absolutely couldn't think like this. Hajime must have decided to go off on his own to fulfill the training he felt was needed so he could take over a pack. For now Allen would wander Alacritia, praying for the day his nephew came back and they could be reunited.

As he wandered along the lands, full of rivers and branching areas of water, Allen walked with a slower, saddened pace. His tail lay low, occassionally brushing against his hind legs as he moved. His dark forest green eyes was set on the land before him, hoping to avoid any unwanted contact or trouble. So far so good in that aspect. Part of Allen knew that, for now, he was going to be searching for a pack. He did not want to live on his own... and when Hajime came back the plans for leaving could always be stirred up. But for now that would be his plan.

A scent, mixed with the scents of herbs, would reach his nose. The brute would be lead onward until he spotted a rather interesting female drinking from the water. A dark pelt with light undertones and... Allen would blink. She had a type of mane going up her neck and onto her head. He had never, ever seen such a strange thing, but it was beautiful. Allen would approach the female, clearing his throat softly so as to not startle her with his presence. She was a pack wolf, but one he didn't recognize. "Hello... did you fair alright in the storm?" It had been a terrible, scary time. Allen honestly wasn't sure what had caused it... only that the fierce winds, rain, and ash he encountered were far from pleasant.

"Speech", 'Thought'