


02-05-2014, 01:40 AM
Name: Higinia Bellatrix Artenie

Appearance: Design #1

Personality: Higinia as a pup, will be a very curious and fiery individual. She loves to explore and get to know others, and always loves to get into the business of her siblings. She is never sitting in one place for too long, and finds it fairly easy to approach others and make friends quickly. She has a quick tongue, and quick wit to match. So often she may be seen having a debate of sorts with one of her siblings. Though curious, she does hold a steady and level head upon her shoulders. She doesn't rush into the fray or straight into danger, instead, choosing to stand back and observe first the situation at hand. She can be headstrong, however, so she will not choose to back down if she feels she can take control of the situation. She will learn to make decisions in a wise and timely manner, to hold her tongue when need be, however, she will speak out against unfairness. The girl loves to adventure and explore, always wanting to know everything there is to know about the world. She adores her family and will do anything for them. Within her is instilled the traits of honour, bravery, a great sense of conduct, a fair sense of judgement, and will learn to decipher the intentions of those she comes across whether they mean ill intent or no harm at all. She may be skeptical about those she trusts, and may also hold back from trusting many. Though she is willing to become friends, a sense of trust is what matters to her and she will simply not give it away so easily. Her trust must be earned, and once you attain a hold of it, then it is certain she will forever remain a loyal friend. She believes in one true love, and so when she finds that one she will stick with him. However, if her heart becomes broken due to unfaithfulness, she will never forget and never forgive. She is a solid individual, and may take many things to heart.

Plans: Higinia will venture out and make friends, explore the lands, find her place in the world and keep ties with her family. When she hears of her Fathers trials of the past, she may want to strive to get a pack of her own so her family will have that safe haven that they so deserve.

NOTE: If I get her, then personality will be cleaned up and added on to. c: