
Memories and Places


02-05-2014, 04:52 AM
{{Ooc:: Bri was cool with me bringing Ellis to the thread since, with the way another thread went, it would make sense to bring Akemi in. :3 Hope the rest of you don't mind~~}}

Long legs carried the small wolfess forward, a shorter than average muzzle testing the air every so often. It was clear by the scent of the woman's coat that she was a loner, unclaimed by a pack and a foreigner to the lands of Alacritia. She moved with grace, much more like a doe than a female wolf. Paws would gently tread the ground, carrying her forward as she searched, though for what exactly she wasn't entirely sure. Something in these lands seems to intrigue her soul, however, and Ellis, in the back of her mind, would wonder. Would this new land she had come to be the one to call home?

She was barely over a year old, and still learning her trade, but when she heard the call for help in the distance Ellis would not ignore it. With long, loping strides the female would start in that direction, breaking into a faster pace. She didn't have any herbs with her, not really having a way to carry all that she needed, so she would have to first find the one who needed assistance, assess what needed to be done, and act from there the best that she could.

Ellis would be surprised to find she was not the first one upon the scene, but that surprise would quickly give way to relief. Another healer was already working on the wolf that was injured, tending to his wounds. The wolf was elderly, but Ellis did not at all see this as a weakness. The female healer would be very knowledgeable of her trade, meaning that the one she was working on would be alright. Still, just to be on the safe side, the curvy female would approach the others, dipping her head in respect, though it was the other woman she would address.

"If you need another set of helpful paws, I'm a healer as well." The black brute that she was treating didn't look all that happy, but not all wolves had a outwardly kind nature. Besides pain could also quickly sour the mood of a wolf. She would, while waiting for an answer from the other healer, glance towards the other three males that were present, teal-green eyes going over each one as she slowly breathed in each scent. It would seem the four males were related, though the woman clearly was not.