
No One Can Do It All Alone


02-05-2014, 05:32 AM

It had been no easy task getting Zanire out of pack lands, but Kar had been uncomfortable with the idea of staying there, especially since she was injured. Helping her as much as he could Kar and Zanire had finally made it to a new territory. The wolf had found a good sized den at the odd site, and working for a good few hours, finally dug it out enough so that it would be big enough for the two of them. He had done what he could to try and help the pain Zanire would be experiencing from her injured limb but, alas, he was no healer, and could only do so much. For small periods of time Kar would leave, hoping to find an healer in his travels, or to hunt, but would return as often as he could to check on Zanire.

Today he was on his way back with what he hoped Zanire would take as good news. He had gone hunting for the bear before he left and was now returning with the scent of a stranger he met on his coat. A healer. Kar stressed about Zanire's injury getting infected and, even worse, the bear dying. He would be lost without her. Swift, snowy paws carried him towards the den, jaws already parted as he panted from his pace. He had left Nalyda on the edge of the territory. After what had happened with Raisa and Koros the brute wanted to be sure to respect Zanire and take into considerations her feelings of a stranger being around her, even if this particular stranger was a healer.

Once he reached the den Kar would slip inside. He would nudge Zanire, in case she had been asleep, and with a whine would sit down, speaking. "Zanire I ran into another wolf today and I want your permission to bring her here so she can look at your paw..." Emerald orbs would be desperately trying to lock onto her own violet orbs. He was so worried that if someone experienced didn't look at Zanire he was going to lose her. He stressed over it constantly, bringing it up to her and almost always on the move to try and right that situation...but now that he found a healer... would the bear be willing to see her?

Speech, Thought