
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here


02-05-2014, 05:58 AM

Kar would breath a sigh of relief as Nalyda gave a nod, signalling that she would help. Treating a wound, even on a bear, couldn't be that different than handling a wound that was on a wolf, right? It was pretty much the same concept, he hoped. Still, just the fact that Nalyda would try, providing Zanire would allowed her to get near her, brought relief to the male. Even if he had to beg his friend to let Nalyda help he was going to. If anything happened to Zanire he would be so, terribly lost. She was his family now... and he would not be complete if his larger companion was not with him.

Unfortunately he didn't figure something into the whole agreement of Nalyda helping them out. The area in which Zanire was denned, well, there wasn't too much around it with immediate reach. There was a river within traveling distance but... and that meant that herbs would need to be gathered from a distance too. He would let out a small sigh. "We're going to have to head to the Rio Grande river before we head in the territory the den is in. There should be herbs you can gather, and we can gather some moss to soak in the water to carry some water back. I'll help you carry as much as I can."

Speech, Thought

{{Ooc:: If you want we can end this thread here and start a new thread at the Rio Grande river for them to gather the herbs. xD Basically trying to keep them bonding / gathering posts while I wait for Azzy to respond to the thread of Kar asking permission to bring Nalyda to treat Zanire.}}