



5 Years
02-05-2014, 07:19 AM (This post was last modified: 02-13-2014, 05:08 AM by Novella.)
Design: Kat #2

Name: Sorrel

Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance: Fairly small from birth it seems Sorrel was never destined to be a big strong man. He'll grow more than is probably expected of him though for his dainty size at birth, eventually reaching around 30" in height. Somewhat stocky throughout his youth, he too will eventually grown into his build, not overly strong or large, instead falling more onto the slimmer side of things.

All in all his size doesn't particularly mark the young boy as striking in any way. His colourings however are certainly rather handsome and whilst fitting nicely with his heritage, are still quite unique to the boy. His base is a soft white, marked on top by a faded russet that covers his back, upper portion of his tail and envelopes the top of his head and part of his face. Extending down his muzzle in a point, the marking ends before hitting his dark nose, and encircling round the outer part of his eyes, curves beneath them, not quite joining with the mark down his muzzle. A darker shade of the rust colour marks two dashes above his eyes and a dark dusty brown marks a thin line just beneath them, flicking slightly at the inner edges as if attempting to join the pale curves beneath it. This same darker brown colour attempts to spoil his coat further, though instead creates a wonderful contrast as it marks his stomach and the underside of his tail. His fur is a mixture of such simple markings all combined in an intriguing way. Another bold sign of his heritage, Sorrel clearly displays the opposing colours in his eyes, one a bright yellow the other a deep blue.

Personality: Sorrel is a quiet one, less so out of choice though but more as he is a truly timid creature. In a large family with such vibrant personalities the young boy is rather lost, even though is own litter size and parent's care should prevent him from feeling like this. Even amongst others within his family Sorrel can be rather hesitant and nervous when approaching them alone and prefers to keep close to his parents and siblings. It is his mother especially that can help him feel comfortable; a mummy's boy through and through though he certainly does love and care deeply for each member of his family.

New situations can make him a little nervous, which means generally Sorrel is one who avoids doing things that might get him into trouble. A sensible head upon his little shoulders, he is also the one who will try point the danger of such things out to those trying to pull him into their adventures, although his reasoning is often poorly put across and not really listened to.

A very honest child, Sorrel currently lacks the capability to lie to anyone about anything. He doesn't even try but the truth will simply spill from his lips. This combined with his lack of an adventurous streak probably makes him a parent's dream though can be a sibling's worst nightmare.

RP Sample: They were apparently visiting some very important people, at least that was what Sorrel and his siblings had been told. He would be meeting Aunts and Uncles, whatever that meant, and his cousins, an equally confusing concept, some of which were about the same age as he and his siblings. Well, the young boy was perfectly content with his life as it had been up to this moment, his mother, father, brother and sister, why they had to see these other wolves he wasn't sure, he had asked and well the answer hadn't helped him at all. He hadn't pressed any further though, certainly not wishing to annoy his parents, he'd simply be a good little boy and do as they wished.

It wasn't long at all before the first stranger would bound forward eagerly. He would admit she looked rather like his mother though he still didn't particularly want to meet her. The adults would greet each other and his mother would explain that this was Aunt Novella before introducing each of the children in turn. Sorrel remained close to his mother's side as this Novella said her hellos to his brother and sister. Her eyes then turned to him and nervously he pressed closer to Symphony's leg and lowered his own gaze. As his aunt would greet him, Symphony would attempt to encourage him to venture closer with his siblings and not to be scared of Novella.

"I am scared." He responded bluntly, his voice a quiet whisper as he lifted his little head, gaze pleading with his mother to let him hide. He hadn't been sure about this journey from the moment they had left and though he had his family around him, he still wasn't exactly keen on it now.

Notes: Couldn't help myself in the end, loved Kat's design too much!

Sorrel is a plant and is also a French name (killing two birds with one stone)

I plan on him becoming a healer, it might help bring him out of his shell and cope with situations a little better. If not we will have a bit of a Doc Martin variation on our hands which should be fun!

If needed I will make another design for him