
I'm easy breezy


02-05-2014, 04:07 PM

It was raining again. Not that the male minded it anyway, he wasn't supposed to mind anything. The darker male crossed his front paws as he watched the ice succumb to the water. He was like that ice, he was unemotional block of white, with no direction or terms on himself. His black tipped tail flicked back and forth with the slight interest he showed. No, nothing at all interested him. Specially since his world was different from everyone's. His brother was dead, and he no longer wanted to think for himself once more. The male had escaped death by a hair, the ex tortugan from the old days even though he was only around four years old five maybe. He had lost count, the red male didn't care since he'd be a slave until the day he died, and he enjoyed it.
He had dealt with abuse, broken bones, back claws missing. The rain only added to the sound of his beating heart. As he lowered his head, the scarred male shut his red eyes, his white eye patch marking him as a relative of some of the wolves on here. Maybe not as much as thinking, it was just hoping. He didn't know, he didn't care on the other hand or paw of his. He let out a sigh, listening to the rain falling from the sky.
