
chicken wang



5 Years
02-05-2014, 05:45 PM

The man just continued to smile. It seems he's been holding the same expression for so long, it almost felt exhausting. But he didn't dare make a blunt, uninterested expression. He was completely interested in every word she spoke, everything she did. And he just couldn't help but smile. Even if he did it forever. This girl was just to brightening for him to frown or act blunt. But as her soft words erupted from her lips, he nearly screamed. Spar? He defiantly wasn't as good as the woman, who scared him so easily. Who seemed to scare any creature, even with her beautiful eyes and pelt.

Shuffling his paws through the soft white powder on the surface of the icy soil, he kept his maw shut. His eyes were relaxed despite his hidden panicking. Oh, he'd just make a fool of himself. Three seconds within the spar the woman may just run off in dismay! Aldoro's legs trembled. He slowly moved his fluffy banner away from his paws. "I can do it. I. Can do it.''" The boy thought reassuringly to himself as his breathes became smoother. Finally, his warm voice slipped out from under his tongue. "Oh, yes. I agree. A spar would be great!" He felt like a liar. Lying to his friend! How dare him? He locked his eyes onto hers yet again before responding, "A come from- well. Somewhere south. I don't have the greatest knowledge of which lands are which." Aldoro finished with a light chuckle. He really did hope the woman didn't notice his sudden anxiety."Speech"