
The wind whispered



5 Years
02-05-2014, 06:30 PM

"Ludicael?" Although not entirely certain why Gwyndolyn had repeated the name as she had, Novella took a guess that it probably was simply that it may not have been clear whether that was the name of the pack or of the lands, after all she had said it wasn't far. With a nod of her head she confirmed that the word had been heard correctly before explaining a little more information about the pack. "Yes, that's the name of the pack. My sister is actually the alpha now. It's not just my family there though, there are a lot of other nice wolves too." It was probably more information that the grey wolf actually required, though the amount she had spoken of her family it probably sounded like there was no one else really in the world to her.

"That isn't a bad idea. Knowing the lands around your home is an advantage," That was the problem though, Novella had no idea just how far around her home she needed to explore. Why Myth had cleared off without telling any of them where she was going was a complete mystery to the white girl, she'd have to ask her just what she was thinking if she ever saw her again. "I suppose it is pretty good knowledge even if I don't plan on going anywhere else." She agreed with a small smile, deciding not to mention her missing sister anymore for now.

"Then we may find one! If you would like to... besides, it's all new to me." With her smile growing wider and her own tail wagging a little in response, Novella gave a firm nod of her head. Exploring could be quite fun on your own, though it would certainly be nice to do so with company and make a new friend at the same time. "Of course we can."

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