
white rabbit's on the run


03-22-2013, 04:55 PM
The earth seemed to hold its breath as the queen slayer walked the edge of the world. It was as if the spirits of this place knew her by heart. Knew who she was and what she had done. She shook her coat to dismiss the false whisperings of the haunting apparitions. They could not sway her away from this place. It was a sad day when Sade died but it was of her own doing. she thought to them. As if they could read the depths of her soul from her minds eye. She felt no guilt for taking Sade?s life. She had done as her master had instructed and nothing more.

She felt at home amongst the domain of wreckage and decay. Every stain of blood told a story. Every death that littered the field was a spoil the rats of the world could enjoy. This was where lives were made or ruined. Where enslavements were becoming a common thing. Though they were dressed in pretty words and ranks it was enslavement none the less. She wasn?t any different. Not with the world resting on her shoulders and the pack that she had won, its numbering were falling. They needed fresh blood and a fresh outlook.

Words caught her attention. She was curious if the flowers that bloomed here gossiped. Was that what she heard? Quarrelling flowers? Oh but that quarrel sounded one sided now didn?t it? She tiled her head as she caught the aroma of female. Someone was wandering where they ought not be. Her dark lips curled upright with a false sweet smile as she stalked the stranger. She was large for a female but not the behemoth size of herself. She had yet to meet a solitary wolf that stood as tall as she did or weighted as much. Her tail flicked as she watched her, seeking the exit or perhaps some fun?

?Well, what has the winds brought upon my nose?? she questioned in a gruff voice. Her ears were forward as was her head. Displaying her newly acquired dominance. It was a habit she was a stranger too but she was growing into her new queens skin. She shook her velvet coat and smiled wicked teeth. ?Have I found a little lost lamb? Or perhaps a small lion wishing to show off its claws?? she asked with a tilt of her head. Her tail flicked behind her as she waited for the female to either speak or bolt. Oh but she did love a good chase. Dom could attest to that. She smiled at the thought of her little mouse and focused her attention on the lamb or lion before her.