
Memories and Places



4 Years
02-05-2014, 10:02 PM
Somehow Thor succeeded in extricating himself from the yawning stink hole that was Hati's ever flapping mouth, and veered off that particularly unpleasant path to find fresh air a few steps away. Honestly, if Loki hadn't been there he may have just given into the urge to let his front legs give out and drop him on the ground, but for the sake of integrity, the brute would remain standing and quietly go about recovering like the unflappable figure he was.

From there time ticked away at a meandering, nearly lifeless crawl...much like Hati (too soon?) and Thor took up pacing restlessly. Every time Hati so much as breathed funny the brute was at his side and checking him over, and every time he was found still clinging to life, Thor took up pacing again. He wouldn't sit by him while he was still living, but should his brother take a turn for the worst he figured the least he could do was stand by him, although Hati would probably loathe the gesture. Sentiment and all.

Looking back, Thor couldn't quite pin where exactly their relationship had soured. If he looked back far enough he could dig up pleasant memories, but somewhere along the way they'd just grown apart and from there conflicting personalities had developed. Now there wasn't much left between them except scars. Still, a part of Thor clung to the hope that some day they'd be able to look at each other without immediately wanting to chew each others face off. It was a vain and pitiful hope, he knew this, but the side of him that remembered how simple life had been at one point wanted it to be that way again. Of course there were others sides of him, bigger facets, that wanted more easily reached things. The moon, for example, was something he wanted to sink his teeth into just to see what it tasted like. This wish was a better, more likely to be fulfilled, wish than cuddly feelings from Hati.

At last a wolf approached, bringing with her an air of no nonsense determination and Thor immediately sensed this and fell into line. Years of order taking had pounded this response into him. When she motioned for them to haul Hati up and follow, the brute did so without question. When they reached the river and he was ordered to bathe, he complied. "Yes, ma'am."

He came back to the group just in time to see Hati's shoulder erupt like a volcano. His nose wrinkled, revulsion making his insides squirm...and yet...part of him was fascinated. The rest of him felt almost guilty for feeling that way. Still, he watched the procedure from start to finish, a stoic expression on his face, all the while quietly musing to himself about how the purging of Hati's physical sickness could be compared to his emotional one and how it should be handled.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]