
somewhere i b e l o n g



3 Years
03-22-2013, 05:44 PM
Darling. There was something comforting about the way that that sounded. The warmth of her mother's voice as she greeted her daughter had Kamala's tail wagging slightly as she glanced at the older woman, ducking her head slightly in acknowledgement of the other's words. There was little that she could say that had not already been said, so the female said nothing at all. Her nod was all that needed to be said.

A wag of her tail was her first reaction to Adette's words and Kamala smiled slightly. "Terrible," There was a teasing note to the yearling's voice as she glanced at her mother, "It is nice to see you." Kamala added after a moment, just in case her mother misinterpreted her joke. She didn't think that Adette would, but it was worth covering all bases. Adette's wrath was a vicious thing, and though she loved her mother dearly, Kamala intended to avoid angering the female as much as she could. Kamala had learned early in her life that her mother's wrath was something to avoid as much as possible. She had surely been sheltered from the worst of Adette's wrath, but the scraps that she had seen made Kamala certain that she didn't wish to anger her mother unnecessarily.

Boys? "I don't suppose it really matters. If there are any males chasing after me." Kamala said absently, twitching her ears slightly at the thought. "But little interesting has happened to me. And you, mother?" Her voice sounded more regal than it had before, Kamala noted vaguely. It no longer had the squeakishness of a pup's voice. This must have begun to fade recently, she thought with a twitch of her ears.

A soft sigh escaped the female as she settled back on her haunches, curling her tail around her front paws as she gazed at her mother, head tilted slightly to the side. "Mother... I have a question." Well, actually, Kamala had many. But for now she was content to stick with just one. She wanted to know a little bit about her parents before they had found her and her siblings. It was a random thought, but it was one that Kamala had wondered about for a while now.