
The Sound Of Starting Over



10 Years
02-06-2014, 04:50 AM

That day was a day the Valhallan pack was still on edge. They had been challenged for and Odette was growing impatient and aggravated by the tension in the air. She knew that they were all wondering the potential outcome and while Odette cheered on for her mother silently and publicly, she still needed to get away from the black cloud that hung over their island. Bravery and recklessness combined as the young Epsilon snuck away to explore one of the other islands. Of course, Gael was aware of her absence, but she trusted him to not say anything. Family was about trust, right?
There had been rumors of a pack on one of the other islands. Scents had flown from wind currents of the neighboring islands and that was where she would start first. After reaching the beach, she hit the water and began the long swim to the set of islands that were in the distance. In no time at all, she reached an unfamiliar beach and sniffed the air. There were no scents that hit her nose and disappointment hit her. Darn, she had landed on the wrong island! Oh well, this gave her an advantage to explore. And explore she did.
Unknown to her, there was someone else on the island. His scent hadn't touched her nose and she hadn't seen him along the part of beach she had reached. Her eyes began to scan the land as she slowly walked towards the jungle part of the island's heart. Curiosity propelled her to walk further as she sniffed the air and detected unfamiliar plants and trees that swayed in different directions. What she didn't count on was what happened next.
As she looked up and around at the nearby trees, Odette's left forepaw hit thin air instead of ground. She lost her footing and upon looking down, realized she was about to fall into a deep crevice. A loud yelp escaped her and she immediately turned so her front paws grabbed onto the ground beneath her. Hind legs dangled for a second before she started to try and grab onto the crevice walls to get support and pull herself up. To no avail, she felt herself sliding from the lack of traction and fear quelled in her throat. 'Don't be stupid!' she thought, so she did what she thought was worth the effort: she howled. It wasn't a song of pride and confidence, but one of fear and a call for help. She felt her hind paws touch a piece of rock that stood out against the wall and kept them there. She didn't know how long she had, so she howled again and then yelled, "HELLLLLP! HEEEEELLLLLP!" She felt dumb, but maybe there was a slim chance someone would come to her aide?

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