
The Sound Of Starting Over


02-06-2014, 07:00 AM


The breeze remained steady, the male soaking in the sun in quiet grace as he waited patiently. Patiently for what? To the eyes of a stranger he, was a lone figure sitting upon the sand, the only companionship it seemed was the tide of water and the gently blown sand that was all around him. But he was not alone, he was with company. The small mound he had found was not just an insignificant mound of sand...for inside, it contained a nest of sea turtles. He had heard a small scuttling noise within, and knew that at any moment they would begin to dig their way free from their confines and head to the waters. Jinxx was ready and waiting, wanting to see the start of something new before his very eyes; ready to chase off the predators that were possibly lurking about to steal the innocent lives away. Although he knew it was nature, he would not let an innocent die if he could help it. It would be immoral of him to stand by and watch a new life, a baby creature at that, get killed.

As the sun rose steadily and slowly, he would bring himself to sink onto his belly. The warm sand giving him the relief of soothing his skin from the breezy draft, and eyes slowly drifting shut in the beginnings of a peaceful nap as he waited. But, as it would be...he would not get the relaxation that the atmosphere was luring him into. A howl pierced through his mind, jerking the male awake. Confused, he turned his head towards the inland direction, audits twisting and turning to catch the sound again. Was it just his imagination? couldn't have been. It was real as the cry for help that just rang out. "Heeeeelllllp!" Immediately, the male was on his feet. Eyes intent upon the lands before him, the call sounded distressed and quite young. Someone was in trouble! Of that, he was sure.

Immediately he kicked into action, sand spraying all around him as he moved to an immediate headlong run. He had pinpointed where the voice had come from, and as he moved further inland, he realized that perhaps this place wasn't so safe after all...a large crevice seemed to open up from nowhere, the trees thinned out the farther he went, which from the shores, wasn't very far at all. The sounds of falling rock and scraping could be heard nearby, and the boy would slow to a stop as he looked for the source of the sound. Frantically he looked, spotting nothing that would tell him where the cry for help had come from. As he moved a few more steps, he saw it. A pair of paws peeking over the ledge, desperately trying to retain their hold on the earth. Without second thought, Jinxx rushed forward, skidding for a second as he came to a stop, dust and earth going over the edge as he stared down at the young creature.

"Hold on, I've got you!" He would make an attempt at reassuring her as his head snaked forward to grab at her scruff. Legs braced themselves in a wide stance, body leaning back against gravity to keep him from sliding forward. Teeth met with scruff, and he would begin to push his weight back as he pulled her up, claws scraping against the ground. It did not take long for him to reign her in to safety, as moments later, he fell back with her in tow, the young girl landing on top of him and he on his back...perhaps he had used more force then he intended. No matter, she was safe now. He lay there panting, heart pounding from the brief fear he held at seeing her in that position. Claws ached from the force he exerted against the ground, but he would ignore it for now as he tried to catch his breath.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark