


02-06-2014, 07:05 AM

She would watch him, wondering what he thought of her, wondering what went through the blue hued males mind. Her ears twitched as a soft noise left him, though her expression didn't change, from one of interest. As he spoke she felt confused, he had been rude? He hadn't seen his brother in a long time, and Roman wondered what he would think of the empire, that Isardis had forged. Flicking her tail, she dismissed his apology, with a slight smile. "I assure you, I'm hard to offend, Ortzi." His question would bring a chuckle forth, and as it passed she would speak. "My father has many children, more than I can name. Great children, and young ones who have yet to grow old enough to prove themselves. He had forged himself an empire here, with many females to carry on his bloodline." She paused for a moment. "However, don't assume he merely has a brothel. We have the finest fighting force in the land, and are the strongest pack here. Before I arrived in these lands, Isardis and his empire won a siege against a pack thrice the size of Glaciem. Needless to say, your brother, and my father has made an imprint on the land." She ended her speech with a slight chuckle, a relaxed demeanor about her as she spoke to the stranger, who was also her uncle. "However, we can always use another experienced fighter and hunter." She would add thoughtfully.
