
The Sound Of Starting Over



10 Years
02-06-2014, 07:51 AM

It felt like forever after Odette had piteously called for help. She felt like giving up, but the part she had inherited from her father kicked in and the flame stayed ignited in her chest. Her head rested against the overhang where the grass met the beginning of the crevice and she softly closed her eyes. What was she going to do?! The rocks beneath her hind legs started to shift and her eyes widely opened in surprise. Panic, that's what!
Then, out of the blue, a voice broke the ongoing tumbles of small rocks and dirt. Red and blue eyes looked up to see an unfamiliar face that loomed above her and her heart started to hammer rapidly in her chest. Her ears flattened against her cranium as her front paws began to slide closer to the edge of the crevice. She whimpered loudly until the male spoke and grabbed her scruff with his powerful jaws. As he began to pull, she worked with him and pulled herself up once her paws got a stronger hold on the grass at the edge.
In a matter of minutes, the crevice was no longer beneath her and she was flying in the air because of the male's grip. A loud "OOMPH" escaped her tan lips as she landed against him when he hit the ground. Her head bumped against his chest and her eyes quickly clenched tight as she tried to realize that she was no longer in harm's way. She was safe! The reality of it made her slowly open her eyes and she used the same slow manner to turn her head so she could gaze upon her rescuer. Odette blinked and she took her left forepaw to press her weight against his chest.
Her heart continued to pound against her ribcage and in her ears as she rose from where she had landed on him. Words weren't said until after she nuzzled his cheek. "Thank you..." she said before quickly shifting away from him, leaving behind rapidly evaporating heat from where her body had previously been. A death glare was given to the crevice that was now to the right of her and a growl intentionally escaped clamped jaws. "I'm never coming back here again," she swore, intending to live to true to her word. She silently reclined to her haunches on the firm ground, her back to the male who had just saved her. She was lost for words once again and wasn't sure how to recover from the affectionate token she had given him.

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