
The Sound Of Starting Over


02-06-2014, 09:01 AM

"Can You Check My Pulse For Me & See If I'm Alright?"

The cross marked savior lied there as he caught his breath. Although it wasn't something that was over exertion, it was still a frightening task. What if she had slipped from his grip? Forever lost to the void or injured beyond repair? Jinxx would have never been able to forgive himself for that, accident or not. It was never easy for him to lose someone, especially when he was trying to help them. And stranger or not, this girl had become his responsibility the moment he decided to heed her call for help, and he would not have taken rest until she was safe from her predicament. Luckily for him, and for her...he had accomplished his task. She was safe in his arms, and as crazy as it might have seemed or looked, he would have wanted her nowhere else at that moment. It meant she was safe. Alive. She would live to see another day.

He felt her lift away briefly, when he made to raise his head a bit to look at her, he unexpectedly felt her brief touch upon his face. He stopped mid motion, attempting to comprehend what just occured, and then her voice sweet and light, thanking him. He felt a blush rising up through pale cheeks, heart pounding against his rib cage as the girl moved off of him. "No need to thank..anyone would have done the same." Or so he hoped... He lifted himself onto dark stilts, pelt shaking away the dust and debris that clung to him in a desperate attempt to hold on. Her enraged words at the unknown amused him, but he was glad all the same. He would have the same thought after all. "You're lucky I was around to hear you, otherwise...who knows what could have happened."

He sat down at her side, glancing at the void that could have very well swallowed them whole if a step was misplaced. "I guess this place isn't as safe as I hoped it would be..." His voice would trail off for a moment like a cloud dissipating in the sky above. Will I ever find our safe haven? Deep blue eyes looked to the sky for a moment, a small sigh passing through inky lips before turning to look at the young femme. She was cute, that much he was sure. He was still flustered by her show of affection, after all, she had been the first stranger to do something like that towards him. Someone that wasn't his family. "You're okay, right? You're not hurt?" He asked in a slightly worried tone, knowing that something like that would have very well left him shaken up if he had been in her place.

"Speech", Thought, "You"

Pray by Blessthefall on Grooveshark