
I can�t fear death no longer



02-06-2014, 10:40 AM
"The hopes of a new land, a new place to live and new souls that need my judgment and demand my punishment." The thought crossed the mind of the noble wolf as he found his way to a land of willows. Willows were lovely trees, peaceful, beautiful, innocent. They look somewhat sad yes but if they could talk he knew they would be happy. They just had that look of an innocent soul. "If only all were like you dear willows." The words slipped from his lips in a graceful lazy way though they were a lie the wolf did not know he was telling himself. After all punishment was what he lived for and blood was what he craved so long as it was shed for a 'just' cause.

Walking under the branches of some of the trees he let them run over his fur as his long legs moved him onward. "Well I hope I am not offending you but for what lovely company you are you are not very talkative." He said to himself adding a little laugh. "Dear Gods, may I have some fine conversation this day." he said as he paused and turned his long muzzle to the sky. With his mother now higher he found his prayer soon answered as he caught scent of a wolf.

"Thank you oh God of the West." He said with a smirk as he was in the west. Following the scent he found a female wolf sleeping under the willows. Tilting his head his yellow eyes took in her form as he smirked in a somewhat mischievous way. "Hello Miss!" He spoke loud enough to wake the dead, let alone a sleeping wolf. "The eyes of the willows....they do not seem like suitable guardians to protect one in their sleep. You could be found by...well by a grizzly old man like me, no doubt not the most pleasant sight to wake up to eh? Perhaps in a half dead willow would be better even if the trees kin wouldn't appreciate it." His words were light, very kind and held a note of a laugh at the end. He truly hoped he did not disturb the wolf but when he was in a social mood he tended to be a bit selfish.