
The Will of the Gods [Theology Lesson]


02-06-2014, 11:53 AM

The red woman was never far from the hot springs, glad to have joined the pack that had claimed her once favorite lands. She would lay on the cool stone surrounding the hot water and allow just the tips of her paws to dip into the heat. Steam rose around her constantly, allowing her to breath it in and bask in the damp air. She was warm but she knew once she left her the dampness that clung to her fur would be quite chilly. But this was the perfect place to clean herself. She hated getting wet and taking baths because her thick fur took forever to dry properly but here the steam slipped beneath course guard hairs and loosened any dirt that might be hiding so when she groomed herself it all came out perfectly. And that was what she had been doing for the last hour or so, simply laying and grooming herself. She had never known that her white fur could get so white! Maybe that was why she was in such a good mood this day, and maybe that was why when a howl echoed forth calling students for a theology lesson she didn't scoff at it an ignore it like she wanted to. No, instead she pushed her forepaws against the hard ground and lifted herself into a seated position.

Taking a moment she rolled her shoulders back, enjoying the feel of loose muscles for probably the first time in her life, and then stood and shook a bit more of the dampness from her pelt. Not that it would really leave until she left the hot springs, so with that thought she turned and padded along the cool stone that separated the pits of hot water with practiced ease. She had been here so much that she knew which pits were too hot to even go near, others that were great for steaming and the few that were cool enough to actually swim in. Not that she was especially keen on sharing this knowledge with others, she still wasn't a fan of sharing the hot springs with anyone else and got especially irritable when her new pack mates tried to interrupt her while she was having her daily steam...

But despite being in a good mood, as she approached the cluster of other Ludicael members she didn't give them a nod or a greeting. She knew none of them in the least it seemed. Who were these wolves? But then again she had really only met Jupiter and Aria on her last venture here, though she had met previous members as well who no longer seemed to be here. A pity, at least she had liked them. Maybe she would like some of these wolves too but for now she was here to learn so she slithered with practiced ease around the back of the meeting, keeping her distance from the others until she came to the den of the male who had called the meeting. Slender skull would tip to the side and dip politely in a show of respect before she sat down to his right and then lowered herself to the ground to settle in for whatever this 'theology' lesson was about. Funny how fast her feet started to hurt after a short walk now she her stomach was beginning to swell to show her pregnancy.

Table by Azil