
The wind whispered


02-06-2014, 12:14 PM

Perhaps Gwyn hadn't given it much thought or consideration... maybe she had a place in mind in any case, whether Novella had said yes or no. But now she had taken the lead without so much as a suggestion as to where she was going... and it was a few minutes more before she seemed to realize she hadn't exactly shared any of these thoughts with the other wolf. Gwyn supposed she should, so at last she lifted her head to glance toward Novella. It was the briefest glance, signalling words were incoming, and followed up by a smile.

"Where's it go?" Her tail indicated the river and the grey woman kept going without so much as a pause in her gait. Novella was likely to have an answer, or so Gwyn figured. So she would ask... and if Novella didn't have an answer, then she figured that was what exploring was for! She might've asked to see something particular before now, but when the other woman had said most of them rested within packlands Gwyn had lost some interest. She wanted to explore, to see new things... to be her own wolf. "It empties somewhere- I know. It just- it smells different..." she explained at last, hinting at her intentions.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.