
Memories and Places

Loki 1


6 Years
02-06-2014, 12:43 PM (This post was last modified: 02-06-2014, 07:33 PM by Loki 1.)

Loki rolled his eyes at Baldur's antics with the bat corpse. Disgusting. Though not, he supposed, as disgusting as Hati was right now. For a while he contented himself with watching Thor pace, back and forth, until Hati's breath would hitch and the brown wolf would rush over to check on him. It was almost sweet, in a way, if an outsider were to be observing. To Loki, who knew the family dynamic only too well, it was just a form of cynical amusement.

The form of an older white female approaching drew his attention. She didn't speak to them, just made a gesture for them to follow her with Hati. Loki's brow went up, but he shrugged and did what she asked, reaching down to - with Thor's help - force his older brother back to his feet and get him moving. The heftier black wolf's legs threatened to buckle halfway there. Loki unthinkingly fastened his teeth into Hati's scruff, keeping him up. Surprising even to Loki, who was tempted to just drop him and walk away, see if Baldur and Thor could manage Hati without his help... yet he didn't let go after all until they reached the river.

There Loki dropped him and backed off a good amount to sit down and look away to study the landscape around them while the healer was working, his face completely smooth and expressionless. Let Baldur and Thor assume he was planning something, some trick or plot that needed Hati alive and well, rather than some foolish sentimental attachment to his elder brother. Loki didn't do sentiment. He really didn't.

The healer's introduction of herself earned a sharp, ironic laugh. "Valhalla, seriously?" he sneered. "I'm starting to wonder if everyone here is as obsessed with the old stories as our father was." A dismissive snort, and that was the end of it for him.

The arrival of another female, a young delicate one, caught his attention. Surprisingly, Loki had no interest in engaging the pretty young healer in any manner, choosing instead to just shrug moodily at her words and look away again. He should probably just leave; Hati was obviously in good hands and he wasn't needed. But he stayed.
