



4 Years
02-06-2014, 06:14 PM

In some ways it was almost like being back home. The brutal form of sparring forced on them by their father was almost impossible to get out of his system, like a switch flipped to go. He could almost hear the commentary but he quickly closed that thought. No, it was just him and his sister. Baldur had no intention of letting Weth circle him like a vulture and he moved, body rotating to try and keep her face to face in his sights so she couldn't get her fangs in his rear and humiliate him. He was still perturbed by Thor's punishment for the pairs little prank.

Weth lunged and Baldur did as well straight on, his body lowering as hers raised. Paws slammed into the top of his shoulders, a paw on each one, slowing his momentum slightly but he was larger than her and intended to use that to his advantage. Weth was already balanced on her back legs so that her front paws could push on his shoulders and her upper body was above his due to his lowered position. Baldur's weight spread across his back legs as his front paws lifted off the ground. Maw parted aiming for his sister's throat, right under the corner of her jaws in the hopes of gaining hold and choking her out. Weight spread across his hindquarters evenly as powerful back legs pushed against the ground, tail streaming out behind him for balance as he thrust his body forward and up for his target. In addition he hoped his lunge might also serve to throw her off balance onto her back. Baldur's front legs left the ground reaching out in an attempt to grip Weth around the lower back to hinder her escape from his attack.

Baldur maintained his defenses, fur and hackles raised, ears pinned, stance widened with his weight balancing back on his hind legs and tail parallel with his spine. Back legs bent for the spring his back claws dug into the earth, toes splayed. Baldur's shoulders were rolled forward so his front limbs could extend. Brows furrowed and jaws agape for his target.

Baldur vs Weth


Round: 1 of 3

Attack: Rearing up and pushing forward and up with back legs, jaws open and aiming for Weth's throat just at the corner of her jaw in the hopes of getting hold and maybe chocking her out or pushing her off balance onto her back. Front legs are off the ground and seeking to grasp Weth around her lower back.

Defenses: Fur and Hackles Raised | Ears pinned | Stance widened | Tail parallel | Legs bent | Toes splayed and claws digging into earth | Head titled forward | Jaws agape | brows furrowed

Injuries: Moderate bruising on the top of each shoulder from Weth slamming her paws into him. Damage from fang attack pending.

ooc: wasn't sure if Weth would change her position or fang attack because Baldur's position changed. Let me know and I will add in the damage in my next post. Thanks!